May 24, 2010

Okay, I've been lagging again.

It's been almost a whole month two months since my last post. My appologies. I've been doing that dumb thing called high school. But in a week its over! Whoop! Anyways, I've got three things to cover in this post. ( I know, not much for a month without posts. I be slippin'.)

1. I told my buddy Johnny Tsunami that I'd post this for him so here it is

Nice little edit. Watch it. Support the Tsunami. Yadda dadda. 

2. I sent my deposit in to Sierra Nevada so I will be definitely going there. I'm also going to take 15 credits this summer at Lake Tahoe Community College so I can go in with transfer status and get extra scholarship moniez.

3. Eh. It's not that important. I'll post it later.

Niiiiight snowbabes.