Mar 27, 2010

Catch up.

Not that type. I can't believe how long it's been since I last posted. I really think I typed an entry at some point and never published it. A month without a post is a little ridick. My bad. Anywayyyys. My snowboarding season is pretty much over. I found out that I have (or had) mono and that means I can't do anything "dangerous". Basically, if I have a fall, my spleen will rupture and I'll bleed to death from the inside. Fun right? Yeah, so I'm not taking that chance. I've been skateboarding almost every day though. I think I'm getting pretty good. I have a crew that I skate with and travel around with. That's pretty cool. I feel like I'm part of something and not just a high schooler trapped in this boring snowless city. I've been doing lots'o photography too.

I went to Kirkwood with Sean and his friends Duncan and Delphine two weeks ago and it was really nice. Kirkwood always serves. Bluebird once again. I've been really lucky this season. I haven't really have a bad day.

Other news, I'm visiting Sierra Nevada College in a week and a half for a few days. I'm pretty stoked on them. I also got accepted to CU Boulder, and University of Utah. Utah doesn't seem like they have anything really special going on and Boulder has issues with communication. That's what I really like about SNC. I email, they email back. I call, they call back. They do everything they can to accomadate me. Which is something a college should be doing if you're going to be paying 30k+ a year to go there.

Anywhooooo, I'm going to start searching for a ride up to Tahoe so I'll end this here. More posts real soon, scout's promise!


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