Mar 30, 2010

Successful Denial

Well, my dream school has denied me. I will definitely not be attending USC next year. And oddly enough, the letter I received yesterday was a relief. See, USC is the perfect school in my mind. It's my favorite school in the universe. The only problem is that going there would mean I couldn't pursue my passion, snowboarding. I've spent the past few months debating whether I should follow my dream, or my dream school. Being accepted to USC and not attending would mean that I may have regrets or "what if" wonders in the future. But I know I would regret not following snowboarding if I were to attend USC. Part of me has kind of hoped that I wouldn't be accepted just so I wouldn't have to make the decision. A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders when I read that first sentance last night; "Dear Jenise, we regret to inform you...." Now I can follow my dream with no regrets at all. I'm free! Snow, here I come.


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