Oct 28, 2010

Snowboarders are so COOL

What's with everyone trying to be so cool these days? It's like everyone is trying to call everyone else out for "trying to be cool" just so they can look cool. How does that even make sense. "I look cool because I'm acting like it's not cool to be cool by calling someone else out for trying to look cool/ not being cool enough"

What has stemmed this rant?

On Saturday we got some fresh snow up on Mt. Rose and I wanted to go up to the summit to ride a bit. Well, everyone was too hungover to drive (or so they claimed) so around 2pm I started hitch hiking my way up the mountain. I eventually got up there and there weren't too many other people up there. It was pretty much me, my friend Ryan from Reno and a few of his friends. I needed to get to Reno that night to go to the Forum F-It premier and I figured it'd be easier to go straight there than find a ride back to Incline and then to Reno. So I got a ride with Ryan and went out to the Forum BBQ. After that we went back to his house to drink/hot tub/ etc. and then left for the premier.
My plan was to find a ride back to Incline from the premier, and I knew that'd be possible because a bunch of kids from school were going to the movie. But, because I wasn't going to be going back with Ryan I had to carry my board and boots with me. And I was still wearing my snow pants. I knew I'd get crap for carrying my board at the premier but I didn't think it'd be that big of a deal. If someone said something I'd be like "I was just riding, I haven't been home" and it'd be over. But no, these kids were too cool for that. I got SOO much shit from so many people. Mostly guys. Guys I didn't know, and even guys I was friends with. It's funny how quickly a friend will sell you out to look cool in front of their "pro" friends. I got so many "Why do you have your board with you?"s and even more "Ohhh you have your board and boots at a snowboard premier. You're SO COOL"s. I had to tell the story of how I was just hitch hiking all day a million times. And then some of the guys at the bar thought it'd be funny to pick my board up and pump it in the air. There were so many various nasty comments sent my way it almost killed my night. Why is there so much hate?

I mean, I'm not butt hurt on all this, I just think it's really dumb. Just let people be themselves and just live. Everyone complains about people being fake and trying to be cool but when you call people out to look cool it's just encouraging this fake broish behavior.

I don't know where I'm going with this and I'm just kinda over the whole situation. I think I'm just gonna ignore it all from now on. I just hope people stop being so obsessed with trying to call other people out. It's becoming cliche how much I've been saying this recently but JUST LIVE. Let people be. Have fun. Stop the hate.


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