Dec 14, 2010

City kid on skis.

What's that? On skis??? Yep, I just spent my day on skis... for the first time in eight years.
Today was my first day of on hill training and it wasn't too pleasant. I've been hoping and hoping for some snow to replenish what's been melting away and the storm finally came today- when I had to be on the hill on skis all day. The skiing itself was fine. I was able to pick it back up and didn't fall. But the weather and the fact that I'm missing my gloves just made it miserable. I was cold and stuck doing something I could care less about. I'm not trying to skibash here, it's just not my thing. All I was thinking all day was about how the only reason that I actually wouldn't mind the bad weather was if I was on my board. I would have ridden all day if it wasn't on skis.
I think I'm going to find it hard to get excited about my job. I love working with kids, but the skiing part just throws me off. Skiing isn't something I enjoy, and it's not something I know very much about. If I was teaching snowboarding I'd be able to get totally stoked with the kids and I'd actually know what I was teaching. I can give pointers on snowboarding and spot when someone is doing something wrong. Skiing? No way. I'm no help with that.
So we'll see how this little stint works. I'm putting snowboarding first though and will take every day I can get off to ride. Until the 19th though, it's double planks every day for me. :/


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