Sep 6, 2012

First day of dry land with the Sierra Nevada team

Tuesdays and Thursdays have been my favorite days this semester because I don't have class until 2:30 so I'm able to sleep in until 1 on those days.

Not anymore.

Dry land training with the school team started today and that meant the alarm was set for 7am and I had to be on campus by 8am. No more Womp Womp Wednesdays at the Grid for me.

My Physical Therapist has to get really
specific with my instructions
Anyways, I made it to school a little before 8 but because I'm not cleared for running yet and that's what the team was doing, I was sent off to the rec center to bike. So I pretty much woke up way too early for no reason because I could've gone to the gym on my own later. But whatever. I biked for like 15 minutes but my knee kept clicking almost every rotation so I stopped. I moved to the elliptical for another like 20 minutes. That's my favorite machine right now because I get to imagine I'm running even though I'm not. I seriously can't wait until I can run again. I always hated running but when not being allowed to do it has made me crave it so badly. Then I did some yoga/stretch stuff and some core. I guess it was a pretty good work out. I would have preferred training with the team though. :/

Hopefully I can start doing stuff with them soon. Until then I'm lone wolfing it in the gym.


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