Oct 15, 2013

Fall Adventures

For the first time in my life, I didn't have to go back to school in the fall. After getting back home from Hood I had two and a half months before the snowboard season started again, so I packed up my car and headed south. For six weeks I drove up and down the coast, surfing, skating, and meeting rad people.

My first stop was Burbank to register with Central Casting. Why not do some acting while I bummed around in Southern California? I ended up working on two episodes of House of Lies, and on the upcoming Kevin Hart movie, Best Men Inc.
Me and the rest of the High School Basketball team on HoL. State champs!

Aubreeana and I messing around between takes.

Discovering hidden talents on set of House of Lies
Next stop was Santa Monica for Bartending School. I had class for 8 hours a day for a week, learning 140+ drinks. After three tries I finally passed my exam and got my bartending certificate. Meanwhile I cruised between Santa Monica, Long Beach, Huntington Beach, Carlsbad and Venice, visiting friends, surfing, and skating.
Love this shot I took during sunset in Venice

Visited my friend Brad in Carlsbad and lounged hard in his paradise of a backyard

New surf buddy Chris and I comparing tan lines after a day in the ocean.
Met up with lovely Josh Love for a skate at Channel St

 After a month of nomading and living out of my car I was super relieved to settle down for a week at my Uncle Milo's mansion in San Clemente. It was rags to riches. Instead of sleeping in my backseat and brushing my teeth in bar bathrooms, I learned how to play tennis on his courts, swam in his pool and lived in luxury. His house was in this gated community that overlooked Cotton's Point, and I got killer surf all week. Finally got the hang of it and caught some overhead action! Also tore up my foot and bleed a bunch at Tressles. Good times.
The view of Cotton's from Uncle Milo's neighborhood.

Me waiting for a set at Cottons

Milo's way too adorable baby puppy Oliver. I miss you!!

One night I drove up into the Hollywood Hills with my friend Forrest, who I had met on set of House of Lies, with the plan of sneaking up to the Hollywood sign. We never made it to the sign but I got this alright shot of the LA night.

Eventually, I headed back north. I think I made it 6 weeks in Southern California. It was a pretty solid trip and I had a great time, but I was ready to be back home, and settled down for a bit.


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