Nov 16, 2013

Aftermath of Opening Weekend

Two things that I'm really excited about-

1. I got a photo on's recap of opening weekend. This is my first time getting a photo on a snowboard website and I'm so humbled. I can only think back to four years ago when I was sitting in high school reading snowboard magazines and dreaming about the day when I would be able to go to the events they wrote about and showed. It's not the same as the photos in print that inspired me all those years ago, but it's one step closer. (Gallery on the article won't load right now so I can't screenshot but this is the photo)

P: Binky

2. I sent the same photo to Monster, and they posted it on the homepage of their Monster Army website. Really stoked about this too. Gives me motivation to keep pushing myself everyday. Hopefully getting photos posted by people other than myself becomes a trend this season. 


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