Nov 7, 2013

First week in Mammoth

My first week living in Mammoth has gone pretty swell, I'd say. The mountain isn't open yet, so I've found other activities to do, like skateboarding and rock climbing. I had never climbed outdoors before, so I was pumped when my new friend Tobin brought me out, lent me some gear, and taught me the ways. Once again, this is a photo post with related (for the most part) captions.

Everything looks cool in fisheye

Mammoth has the best sunsets

Girl skate krew. 5 girls 1 park!
The essential belaying photo

Tobin in front of the gorge

The climb down to the climb spot was heavy

Whoever took this knows about angles.

John getting down with the snack set up
Wolf Dog looking all majestic and shit

Wolf Dog looking like a bunny and shit

Mike mid climb

Yeah I Selfie while climbing. Deal with it.

Kelsey on the climb

Max and I high fiving. Because climbing is chyll.

Started from the bottom, then I was here.
Panorama of our group post climb, while Tobin took the next shot.
Whoah pretty meta right?


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