Jul 23, 2010

College is coming!

I'm getting so stoked to go to Sierra Nevada. It's definitely the coolest school and this year is going to be awesome. So here's everything happening up until I move in.

Tonight: Skate in a competition at Skatechurch. It will either be raw or a disaster. My skating is hot and cold these days. I figure I'll collect some free stuff though. Which will help because all my clothes are already packed away. haha

Tomorrow: Fly to Massachusetts. I'll be there for an ice skating competition which I won't be skating in. I kind of wish I signed up for an event or two. It probably would have been my last competition with that for a while. I guess I'll hang around Boston and Salem causing trouble. Oh, I need to write about my fight with this mall cop at some point. Anyways, I'll bring my board and try to find some places to skate. My BFFL Alanna lives in New York so I'm going to try to meet up with her one day and destroy some shit. The only problem is that she lives in UPstate NY (basically Canada) so we'll still be four hours apart. But I'm four hours away from Tahoe and I still made it happen all winter. I think it'll work out. I haven't seen her since Windells last August and I LOVE her. She's going to Windells again for sesh 7 and I was supposed to go too but it's just way too much money. I have a tenative plan to drive up to Oregon during the sesh and chill at camp and tear up Tline. But IDK if it's happening because it'll be like a week before I leave for college and I'll probably have a lot to do still. 

Oh and sometime while I'm in Boston I need to finish all my work for Tahoe Community College. I'm taking two classes to get some credits out of the way. Digital Imaging is cool and isn't too much work because I know how to use photoshop already. Abnormal Psychology is killing me though. We have to write soooo much and my book never came so I have no idea of what I'm talking about. :X I'm going to try to finish the majority of my class stuff today because it'll suck to have to be on my lap top the whole time I'm in MA.

August 1: Fly home from MA. Pack my stuff for the move. I have soooo much stuff. I don't know how I'm going to get rid off it all. I've been accumulating items for 17 years and now I have to part with them all. And I have to make sure I dispose of anything I don't want my parents to find. That's the main part.

August 6: MAYBE drive to Oregon with my old girl scout troop. I really hope this happens but it's not looking too good.

August 13: Driving up to Tahoe and starting my Wilderness Orientation. I'm excited but they still haven't told me who my roomate is and I'm really curious. We need to plan out who's bringing what and it's getting close...

So thats it. Oh and if you're not a member of stillnotsponsored.com sign up and vote for my video so I can win a hoodie and stuff. It was just supposed to be 30 seconds so I used a few shots from Shredfest at Boreal. They said they don't want to see crazy tricks but just want to see kids having fun. That's pretty much what my video is. Drunken drug fueled fun. But I never said that.


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