Dec 23, 2009

Powder day at Kirkwood!

Favorite shot of the day. Taken on my iphone in colorcross mode.

Woke up to this sight. Fresh powder right outside my uncle's cabin in Kirkwood.

Took the lift up to Kirkwood's famous Wall Ride with Tim. He told me it was basically a blue and the Experts Only warning signs were just a trick. See the big rock in the middle of the photo? It's directly on the right of the rock. Google "Kirkwood Wall" to see a better shot. It was so windy at the top that I had to crouch down and push myself with my hands to get onto the actual run.

Me at the top of the Wall. They had one of those signs at the bottom of the lift as well so no one got on it by mistake. The skull and cross bones may be a little extreme. I mean, its not a run for the groms, but still... Whatever. I wanted to back out so badly but I'm glad I didn't. It was one of the sickest runs I've ever done and a major adrenaline kicker.

My little cousin Luke at lunch. He's on skis for now but he'll start boarding when he's a bit older. I guess three year olds don't snowboard? He's hilarious. All he wanted to do was jump and go straight down the hill. No slowing this little guy down. With the middle name Burton, this kid will be unstoppable.
Tim Rice, my uncle's friend that I was shredding with, shot this after lunch. Just a nice view of the barely tracked powder.

My board stowed away at the end of the day. Tim's kids Vance and Shannon are on the other side of the truck. Vance rides and Shannons about ready to do the ski>snowboard transfer as well.

The mountain as we left.

First track to last chair, talk about a complete day. I had one bad fall jumping over a stump. My board got caught on the wood and I went flying. I ended up being a quarter of a rotation off from landing an accidental front flip. Other than that it was a perfect day. It snowed a bit during lunch so we basically had fresh powder all day. We also found a bunch of kickers hidden between trees and stuff. Kirkwood is theb no doubt.


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