Dec 3, 2009

Trashy Snow Sluts

Not this type. Sorry, I'm talking about the trashy people that leave crap all over the snow. This topic just came up on and it's one that I think needs some more light shed upon it. Let's face it, no one likes riding down a hill and seeing crap all over the place.

"You mean I shouldn't just throw my redbull can and clifbar wrapper on the snow when I'm done?"
No, Phatman, you should not. If someone sees you do this it's entirely possible, and highly probable, that they will beat you with their board and then proceed to jib your bloody carcass.

Bottom line, pick yo' shit up. It's not that hard to pocket your candy wrapper or hold on to your drink until you get to a garbage can. And another thought, real shredders don't take 'smoke breaks' half way down the mountain. No one wants their beautiful white stuff spotted with butts.
Keep it clean. Kaythanks.


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