Sep 13, 2010


So I went to the Deeper premier on Friday night and it was pretty sick. Liked it a lot better than the Volcom video actually, which is weird because I didn't think I would. There was a cool story to the film and it was really easy to get into. I felt like I was part of the adventure. And there was definitely an abundance of "Oh. My. God." moments. The only downside I guess was the length. It was a biiiiit long but it wasn't too bad. It was just hard to sit outside on the grass until past 10pm. Anyways, I'd recommend that everyone goes and sees it. Here's the trailer, which isn't half as amazing as the real thing.

Teton Gravity Research and Jeremy Jones put a pretty sick video together. Besides JJ, this film features Travis Rice, Xavier De Le Rue, Josh Dirksen, Ryland Bell, Jonaven Moore, Forrest Shearer, Johan Olofsson, Lucas Debari, and Tom Burt. Look out for Ryland Bell. He's pretty awesome.


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