Nov 22, 2010

Chip off the old board.

I got back from Truckee yesterday afternoon to find that campus was completely covered by a beautiful white blanket. And that kids had taken advantage of that blanket and set a box up on the hill right outside my window. So naturally I threw on my gear and headed out. I had a great time hitting the box. I was able to get 4 new tricks I had never tried before and that totally stoked me out. After a while I went digging through the snow covered shrubbery to find a rail that I had acquired and hidden a while back. I set it up as a pole jam over a large boulder-like rock and hit it a few times while some guys I was with built a booter. The pole jam sketched me out a bit so as soon as the booter was done I switched over to that. It ended up being pretty sick. I was throwing really clean front 1s off it which doesn't sound that awesome but I've never done regular front 1s before. I used to feel weird spinning that way so I'd only do back sides. Anyways, I had an awesome day and it was all good.
Until I went back out at night and noticed this when I went to strap in.
Well. Huh. This is the first time that's really happened to me. And I have no idea how that happened either. It's a bummer for sure because my I know my board's RIP-date is going to be closer than I thought. I was hoping she could pull through until mid-spring. I mean, I can still ride her, but I don't know if that's going to mess me up or get bigger at all. This happened to me about a month ago and my buddy Alex tried hammering it out but it's still not back to normal.
So now my baby has two wounds. I don't know if it's weird how I call my board my baby, but we have a very close relationship so I don't care. This is my fourth season with her and I have taken such good care of her over the years. She didn't have a single scratch on her base or edges until summer of 09. And the two months I've been riding her since I've been at school I've just completely thrashed her up. I remember back when I was 15 or 16 just sitting on my bed for hours waxing her by hand. Now I just hand her over to a shop employee and let someone else take care of her. I wonder if she feels abused? Probably not. I think boards are meant to be used and thrashed. I know when I finally retire her I won't get rid of her. I'm starting to think I'm going to be getting new boards fairly often (in comparison to 1 board for four years) now that I'm riding every day. I guess my plan is to save all my boards and do something neat with them.
But anyways, my poor board isn't going to make it much longer but I'm going to push through until she's completely unridable. But Rome, I just want to know, why do you make boards with copper edges when copper is such a soft metal? Save me the pain and make a board who's edges won't get bent at the single slam of a rail. :/


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